Newest Resources First
2025 - Lent Devotion
This 11-day devotion will help you reflect and respond to the Lord as you prepare for Easter.
Numbers Overview
Overview of the Book of Numbers presented by BibleProject.
2024 - Christmas Devotion
Unexpected 12-Day Christmas devotion by North Point Church.
"Memorize Scripture" Devotion
5-day devotional with scriptures to memorize.
Lord's Prayer
Printable PDF of the Lord's Prayer
Prayer Resources
Links to Pastor Don's Recommended Prayer Resources
"How to Pray" Devotion
7-Day devotion leading you in the basics of how to pray.
"The Posture of Our Hearts" Devotion
Check out this 7-Day YouVersion devotion about developing a God-honoring posture and attitude.
Fruit to Root Tool
Moving from unhealthy beliefs revealed in anxiety, fear, and anger to healthy beliefs revealed in the fruit of the Spirit.
Fruit to Root Message
Watch this message by Pastor Don shared on 9-4-22 explaining the Fruit to Root prayer practice.
Psalm Intro (Bible Project)
Check out the big picture of the prayer book Jesus used.
Psalm Devotional
24 Days of Encouragement from the Psalms
Hospitality Devotion
Making strangers into neighbors, and neighbors into family.
Two Roads Picture
This is the 2 roads slide that Doug and Wendy Gohn talked about in their message.
Savage Marriage
Click here for information about Savage Marriage
Whatever It Takes
Clickhere for information at Whatever It Takes
Emotional Recovery Clinic
If you are interested in the recovery clinic that Doug and Wendy Gohn referred to, click here to email them
2024 Lent Prayer Guide
A daily guide through the Lenten season.
Weekly Lenten Prayer
Our weekly prayer to begin our sermons
Video Clip
Watch the clip of Jesus feeding the 5,000 from The Chosen.
Bible Translation Chart
An quick overview of common English Bible translations.
Sermon on the Mount
Each week, the Bible Project offers a new playlist of videos, teachings, and reflections to help you grow to be like Jesus.
The Prequel: Devotion
This is a 6-day devotion to help you spend time knowing Jesus through the prophecies about his birth.
A Prayer of Mission
Benediction from 10/15/2023 message “What is Mission?” in the Retro series.
LG Communion Guide
This is a guide to help life groups share in communion together
One Another's in the NT (PDF)
Here is a list of 31 ways to live out COMMUNITY within a small church family.
"Eat Together" Sermon
Pastor Don’s sermon on eating together in the BLESS series (11/6/2022)
BibleProject Podcast
Check out this 2-part podcast diving deeper into Jesus’ vision for the church and what it means to be a disciple who makes disciples.
Transformation Devotion
This devotion explores how God’s transforming power enables us to live the life God designed us for.
Grateful Devotion
Becoming more like Jesus by developing the intentional habit of gratitude.
"The Will of God as a Way of Life" by Jerry Sitter
This is an incredible book to help you experience the freedom of discovering God’s will day by day.
Barefoot Church by Brandon Hatmaker
Barefoot Church shows readers how you can be a catalyst for social justice in your church family. Highly recommended!
One Question Devotion #4
Join us in this 7-day journey to discern whether we are more in love with the idea of changing the world than actually changing it?
Prayer Liturgy
Here is a series of prayers that you can use together or separately to guide your prayers as you allow God to form you in his image.
"Water to Wine" by Brian Zahnd
This is the story of a pastors journey from juice-box Christianity to the fine wine of faith and being formed in the image of Jesus.
One Question Devotion #3
Learn to pray by using prayers in Scripture. A 24-day devotional.
One Question Devotion #2
This “When, God?” devotion looks at the stories of three NT characters who teach us that we can walk through difficult times and know that God is still with us.
One Question Devotion #1
This “Irresistible” devotion helps us live out the practice of interpreting the Bible through Jesus.
Lenten Prayer Guide
Use this guide to join us on our Lent Journey.
Prayer Walking
Tool to use during a prayer walk.
Psalm 86
Psalm 86 is a prayer to know and become like YHWH.
The Welcoming Prayer
This is a prayer tool to “breath-in” and experience good news as we welcome God in the midst of our current situation.
Praying God's Story
Agape Prayer Card
A Prayer of Humility
Prayer for our Unvarnished Jesus series.
All Things New Devo
All Things New devotion by Pentatonix member Kevin Olusola.
Crafting My Faith Story (PDF)
Watch the accompanying “Story” video by Dan Southerland and then complete this worksheet.