There is a story in the Gospel of Mark (1:16-20) where Jesus is walking along the seashore and invites several fishermen to “follow me.” Knowing who He was, they dropped their nets and followed Him. They gave up their career, their predictable future, and even their identity to be associated with this man called Jesus.
Following Jesus was unpredictable and uncomfortable. He never did what was expected. This was especially true when he died on the cross. No one expected that Jesus’ death was God’s plan to save the world. But when Jesus rose from the dead, it all started to make sense!
Following Jesus is not just about being good, or going to church, or reading your Bible. Those are important parts of growing in your faith, but following Jesus is much more. It’s a change in direction… a new allegiance. Life is no longer about you or me. It’s about being part of a story so much bigger than our small story. It’s a story about God loving and desiring you. It’s a story about responding to God’s love by loving him back and loving others as he loved us. It’s about joining God in what he is doing in the world.
At Avalon Church, we call it GOING and GROWING TOGETHER in Jesus’ name. That’s where abundant, satisfying life is found! That’s God’s invitation to all of us.
If that’s what you want to do, then just tell him. Tell Jesus you are tired of living life your way and for yourself. Let him know you’re ready to follow him.
Then, please tell us. God did not design us to journey alone. We GO and GROW TOGETHER.
Whether you have chosen to follow Jesus or still have questions, please let us know. Fill out the form below and one of our leaders will contact you shortly.